My Summer Practice Routine

This is a bare bones view of what I do every summer, and my daily practice routine is basically a condensed version of this routine. I hope this can inspire things in your own personal practice as well!

Stick Control [Time 4 hours]
a. Singles (Up, Down, Full, Tap, Finger, Accent Strokes)
b. Time Exercises
c. Doubles
d. Triples
e. Moeller Stroke
f. Embellishments
g. Rudiments
h. Buzzes
i. Soft (a-g)
j. Dynamics (ppp-fff, crescendo, decrescendo, subito f/p)
k. Solos
l. Excerpts

{Water/Snack Break}

Mallets [Time 3 Hours]
a. Scales (Major, Minor, Chromatic; Up/Tap Strokes, Grace Notes; 1i, The Crazies)
b. Leaps
c. Doubles
d. Double Stops (a,b)
e. Excerpts
f. Four Mallets (Lateral/Independent, Up/Down/Full/Tap Strokes)
g. Intervals
h. Solos (Bach)


Timpani [Time 2 Hours]
a. Ed Stephan Remix (Time, Dynamics, Rolls, Double Stops)
b. Neilson Tuning Exercises
c. Excerpts

{Water/Snack Break}

Complimentary Instruments [1-2 Hours]
a. Triangle (Up/Down Strokes, Rhythm)
b. Dynamics
c. Tambourine (Up, Down, Full, Tap Strokes; On-Knee Strokes)
d. Thumb Roll
e. Pandeiro Strokes
f. Shake Roll
g. Knee Fist
h. Bass Drum (Up, Down, Full, Tap Strokes)
i. Rolls
j. Dynamics
k. Cymbals (Up, Down, Full, Tap Strokes)
l. Dynamics
